Well do you like this suit? I wouldn't know because all you said was that it was tight and not in a cool, black way.


I'm gonna go over there and be as socially magnetic as I always am, we will put this on the back burner, but underneath know I am fuming.


Claire: It's a little tight.
Phil: Well the salesman said it was the style and he looked like a Mumford and Son so I think he would know.

Manny: Wow that was very mature of you.
Jay: Yeah well I'm a lot older now than when she started getting dressed.

You're hair looks amazing, like you just got off a horse.


I remember something nice you did. You bought me this dress yesterday when you were working.


Okay one of us has to change. We look like twin toddlers at church.


Manny: She's having her hair blown out.
Jay: That's a thing? That I pay for?

Doesn't the wine make the cow drunk?


Oh this is Haley, 'be there in 5, Alex took ducking forever.'


Now that his hunnie gots her own money, daddy went and snagged himself some new threads girlll.


Modern Family Season 5 Episode 5 Quotes

Oh this is Haley, 'be there in 5, Alex took ducking forever.'


Now that his hunnie gots her own money, daddy went and snagged himself some new threads girlll.
