Jerome: Hey, you ever think about getting a guard dog? Not that your turtle ain't scary.
Bill: It's a tortoise. And you got into Harvard.

Did you know I was wearing a condom that night? I was afraid I might spontaneously ejaculate and then afterwards have to worry about DNA.

So you wanna have sex to protect your resale value. You're a fuckin' lunatic.


This is your job right here, Brady, and whether you choose to see me as such or not, I'm sort of your mentor in life.

Boss dude

Bill: Holy fuck.
Pete: It's worse than it looks.

God. Showing up at a job fair in a Mercedez Benz. It's a sign of the times I guess, right?


Mr. Mercedes Quotes

God. Showing up at a job fair in a Mercedez Benz. It's a sign of the times I guess, right?


Bill: Holy fuck.
Pete: It's worse than it looks.