I've got some condition. It's not post traumatic, but seeing dead people puts me on the tilt. I realize your mother isn't dead, but she was lookin' the part pretty good.


No problem implies that serving a customer what he pays for could be a problem. It shouldn't be a problem unless you're a fuckin' problem.


Anybody who intentionally mows down a bunch of people is a suck fuck but...this guy is so much worse.


Peter: The latest medical advice for men of advancing years is they might want to cut back on drinking their weight in vodka and beer.
Bill: Crazy talk.
Peter: You'll die, Bill. Like real soon.
Bill: Fuck off.

I'm here Fuckhead. Let's play.


Ida: I'm only being a concerned neighbor -- who grew up in the family mortuary business. I'll leave it at that.
Bill: Will ya?

  • Permalink: Will ya?
  • Added:

Ida: You know, um, in addition to being out of control last night, you seemed unwell, like on the verge of a coronary. When was the last time you saw a doctor? I mean other than interrogating one on a crime?
Bill: Must every conversation turn to my lack of fitness?

Relax, I'm not going to throw myself at you. I only do that once. I have my pride. Going forward I'll only *list* in your direction.


What the fuck's wrong with you? You've never seen an old guy talking to himself before? You new to the planet are you? Fuck off while you're at it!


Don't make me a pall bearer. You're too fucking fat to carry.


Peter: Bill. How much you been drinkin' lately?
Bill: Not enough.

Ida: Take a look at that. It was taken two days ago.
Bill: Christ. That's you! You're buck naked!
Ida: You're goddamned right I am! I look incredible!

Mr. Mercedes Quotes

God. Showing up at a job fair in a Mercedez Benz. It's a sign of the times I guess, right?


Bill: Holy fuck.
Pete: It's worse than it looks.