Nancy: I want you to be happy. One day a long time from now, I hope that we can both find another great love.
Ace: After you, I would accept nothing less.
Nancy: Ditto.

  • Permalink: Ditto.
  • Added:

Nancy: You seem to have forgotten that you're the one who broke my heart.
Ace: You think I wanted to? You're not the only one who lost the love of their life here.
Nancy: Well, I was ready to keep trying, and you walked away.
Ace: And I have lived with that every second of every day since. But I'm sick of being punished for wanting us alive. Real love isn't dying for each other.
Nancy: Well then, what is it? Tell me because clearly, you know something that I don't. Or don't answer and keep walking away.
Ace: It's wanting the other person to be happy without you. It is me wanting you to be with someone you can do everything with, in all the ways that you deserve to be loved, even though that rips me apart. That's real love.

The thing is, when you have the best kiss of your life, you don't just give up on a person. Right?


You don't have to let me into your life, but I will keep offering to let you into mine. I know you don't need anyone to pull you up the mountain, but maybe you'll discover that it's okay if someone's willing to carry your backpack for part of the trek.


So we need an insider, like an Indiana Jones of relics. Which I realize is Indiana Jones.


Ace: So, is this what you want? You want us to just act like colleagues from now on?
Nancy: I need a starting place. Something. I hope that's okay.

Okay, let's go break into the secret, scary room where all the terrifying teeth heads are. Yahoo.


Nancy Drew Season 4 Episode 5 Quotes

Ace: So, is this what you want? You want us to just act like colleagues from now on?
Nancy: I need a starting place. Something. I hope that's okay.

Okay, let's go break into the secret, scary room where all the terrifying teeth heads are. Yahoo.
