It's a knock. Learn how to do that.

Kilbride [to Roundtree]

I'll see myself out. Toodles!

Deeks [to Kilbride]

Roundtree: I'm making small talk.
Kilbride: And I'm making a concerted effort to forgive you for that.

I don't believe that this is a day you're going to remember fondly.

Kilbride [to Logue]

Lance: That was one hell of a plan.
Sam: Just another day at the office.

Lance: Let me guess: You've got a plan.
Sam: Always.

Roundtree: I think you could buy the entire town I grew up in for $10 million.
Fatima: Welcome to L.A.

Kilbride: Can you hunt this man Vander down or are you too personally invested?
Sam: No. I'm good. I can do this.

I knew the Men in Black were real.


Sam: So, no pressure then.
Fatima: Right, no pressure.

This is so much bigger than we thought.

Fatima [to Roundtree]

Callen: It's a brave new world.
X-0: Bravery's got nothing to do with it.

NCIS: Los Angeles Season 13 Quotes

If you go down this rabbit hole, G, you may not like what you find. You may even get lost.

Sam [to Callen]

You know how it's hard for you to tell when you're starting to annoy me. This is one of those times.

Sam [to Callen]