You don't believe in second chances? Then what are you doing in America? This is your second chance, with me.

Callen [to Garrison]

Kensi, a runner! Actually, she's more like a slow walker. Maybe a scurry.


O'Boyle: It's not a scam. They bequeath that money to us.
Ginger: These people have no families. Their inheritance just goes to the government.
O'Boyle: I say better us than them.

Ginger: The dark Web. It's part of the Internet.
O'Boyle: It's in the sky.
Ginger: No, it's in the Cloud.
O'Boyle: Clouds are in the skies.
Ginger: We talked about this.

You can't be a father from a distance. Either you're there or you're not.

Callen [to Garrison]

Eric: You go through the same stuff I do every day, and you're just so ...
Nell: I'm not, Eric. I'm really not.

Sweetheart, you were a job.
Kensi. Maybe. Or maybe I made you feel like losing a leg didn't matter.


Sam [to Callen]: He's too close to this. He's getting careless, losing focus.
Deeks: But I haven't lost my hearing.

Sabatino: Your team needs to get a hold on their emotions, Deeks especially.
Hetty: Mr. Deeks is showing more grace than I would have expected.

Deeks: If anything happens to [Kensi]. that's on you.
Hetty: Do you feel any better?

Eric: This place is on lockdown.
Chegwidden: And you've done a fine job of securing this location.
Eric: Are you mocking me?
Chegwidden: Should I be?
Eric: No.
Chegwidden: Then take it as a compliment.
Eric: OK. Thank you.

From what I surmise, you're up to your asses in alligators, and I'm here to fix that.

Chegwidden [to Eric]

NCIS: Los Angeles Season 8 Quotes

In fact, if it were up to me, your trial would look like something straight out of Salem, the only difference being those poor women were innocent.

Duggan [to Hetty]

Callen: Hetty's always got a plan.
Granger: Well, she'd better have a good one this time.