I feel humiliated. I don't want anyone knowing one guy kicked all our asses.


Pride: Everybody all right?
Sebastian: Define "all right."

Rita: You seem a little tense. You might want to lighten up on the keys.
Pride: Music critic, huh? Do you play?
Rita: No. I used to sing a little, though
Pride: Why'd you stop?
Rita: Lost my piano player.

Gregorio: Aren't you the least bit curious about this?
LaSalle: No, because whatever this is, it isn't what you're thinking. Our King's not like that. He wouldn't bring anyone to the office.

[Noah] liked to give back. A lot like you, actually.

Rita [to Pride]

Pride: Look, i know that Noah was your friend.
Rita: That's got nothing to do with this.
Pride: It does when you're not thinking straight, 'cause you're loaded for bear.
Rita: [sighs].
Pride: Probably the first argument I ever won with you.

Loretta: Sounds like a field trip to me.
Sebastian: Yeah. Wait, do you mean me? You want me to go back out there to deadly gator world by myself?
Loretta: Tick tick croc.
Sebastian: All right. See you never.

I know how you want to give everyone, especially the underdogs, the benefit of the doubt. But sometimes they don't deserve it.

Rita [to Pride]

Cabral: We follow orders, period.
Cole: Following orders is what got us into this mess in the first place.

Rita: So, in other words, it was just a hunch?
Pride: I prefer educated guess.

Gregorio: I'm just sayin' we usually start things off with an actual crime, a phone call, a body. But here you're basing a lot of this Rita friend of yours. You must have good reason to trust her instincts.
Pride: I do.
Gregorio: Huh.
Pride: Keep fishing, New York.

Just out of curiosity, how'd you make it through basic training again?

CJ [to Sebastian]

NCIS: New Orleans Quotes

Disabled people are everywhere but people look right through us. We hide in plain sight.


Percy: At least LaSalle is trying to do the right thing.
Pride: I wish it didn't affect his work so much. We're undermanned as it is.