Sebastian: You're like the mother I never had.
Loretta: You have a mother. I've met her.
Sebastian: Exactly.

LaSalle: I never knew you were a romantic, Gregorio.
Gregorio: Profiling isn't just for criminals. It comes in handy, trust me.

If you don't go for her, I will.

Gregorio [to LaSalle]

Sebastian: Please tell me that getting my ass kicked all the time is part of the whole newbie thing. Because, if not, I'm going back to the lab. Or buying a bunch of life insurance.
Gregorio: You did great, baby, and you're doing great. Just hang in there.

Gregorio: I think I've identified his type. Tough, loyal, whip-smart, sassy. Can hang with the boys and give as good as she gets.
Patton and Sebastian: Percy?
Gregorio: Like I said, I'm not sure how to break it to him.

I'm not going to let the past weigh me down any longer. I'm moving on.

Loretta [to CJ]

Pride: You make quite a first impression, Nick Torres. Less than two hours in my city and you get arrested as a suspected murderer.
Torres: That's gotta be some kind of record.

Torres: Think you could take these handcuffs off me yet?
Pride: Haven't decided yet.
Torres: Pride, my second impression is so much better than my first.
Pride: One can only hope.

Gregorio: I'd be better if you hadn't described the witness as wearing a harlequin costume.
Torres: It's so embarrassing. I didn't realize that was a common fashion statement around here.

Percy: Your first Mardi Gras in the Quarter. I see you have already caught on to the New Orleans vibe. Day drinking is step one.
McGee; I am not day drinking. Someone forced this into my hand.
Percy: If you say so, Glitter Boo.

Gibbs; I'll run interference.
Pride: I appreciate that, Jethro. You always had a gentler way with the suits.
McGee [laughing]: Sorry. That wasn't a joke?

Sebastian: We're going to draw the buyers to us, send them text messages pretending to be the seller, then sweep them up. Classic false-flag operation.
Percy: And what does that mean exactly?
Sebastian: I have no idea. It was something that McGee said. But it sounds really cool, right?

NCIS: New Orleans Quotes

Disabled people are everywhere but people look right through us. We hide in plain sight.


Percy: At least LaSalle is trying to do the right thing.
Pride: I wish it didn't affect his work so much. We're undermanned as it is.