Last few weeks, that poor boy has drawn every bad card in the deck.


You're small time, Baitfish. Always have been, always will be.


We're NCIS, we multitask!


Cade's version of crazy is painting Chris's place like a Jackson Pollock!


Savannah: You know, when I let you cheat off my papers in high school, I had no idea what I was getting into.
LaSalle: You didn't even know I existed.
Savannah: What, cute guy with the big ears? I knew you were back there!

Most people believe fatherhood begins at birth. The moment I heard my daughter's heartbeat on the ultrasound, she was instantly my whole world.


Has anyone ever told you that you bear a striking resemblance to Gandalf?


LaSalle: Ever consider kids?
Brody: Consider? Yeah. But living life as an agent, all you ever see is things gone bad. Makes it hard to think about bringing home a bundle of...
LaSalle: ...potential things to go bad.

Pride: Heard Sebastian dug deep today.
Loretta: He did indeed. Sidekick no longer. He's been my silver lining on an otherwise cloudy day.

I'm tired of people telling me what I can't do today! I'm staying with him until I know he's alright.


LaSalle: How do you say 'lethal injection'?
Brody: Uh, Rosetta Stone doesn't really cover stuff like that.

Sebastian, under the talk, the neuroses, the hives, is a hero. I saw it the first day you walked into that lab. Now, cut!


NCIS: New Orleans Quotes

Disabled people are everywhere but people look right through us. We hide in plain sight.


Percy: At least LaSalle is trying to do the right thing.
Pride: I wish it didn't affect his work so much. We're undermanned as it is.