There's no way around pain. All you can do is make friends with the Devil. Feel it. Move through it.


Ryan Griggs: I really miss my dad. I don't think anyone gets how much.
LaSalle: I do, kid. I do.

You gave up meat and cheese for a guy named Ty Tarpley?


Big Bird called. He wants his feathers back.


Unfortunately, every woman in this tome comes with baggage - mine.


It ain't personal. It's bro code.


Brody: You know, if Garrett was a guy, would people be questioning her?
Percy: No way! If you're pretty, you slept your way to the top. If you're smart and ambitious, you're a bitch.

Loretta: Every fact in its place-
Danny: -brings the truth to bear.
Loretta: Yes!
Danny: (to Pride) She says that a lot.
Pride: Believe me, I know.

The image of Patton Plame twerking is not easy to erase.


Toto, I have a feeling we're not in Louisiana anymore...


LaSalle: Good news is he didn't try to kill us, which I guess is *your* job.
Pride: Hah. When you get back, I'll let you shoot me so we're even.

I really believe there's deeper meaning in the world, even if it's menacing. That people can have an effect, you know? Reveal the truth. We need skeptics! People willing to dig deeper.


NCIS: New Orleans Quotes

Disabled people are everywhere but people look right through us. We hide in plain sight.


Percy: At least LaSalle is trying to do the right thing.
Pride: I wish it didn't affect his work so much. We're undermanned as it is.