Tony: He made a run for it. Drew on him but I couldn't pull the trigger. You would have had him on the ground in two seconds flat. Taken out a leg or shot him in the ass.
Gibbs: Well. You followed your gut.

Gibbs: Look don't be a dumbass. You keep Agent Fornell in your hip pocket or you're a dead man.
Mendez: For freedom? I'd hardly be the first to die. But very well.

Deena Bashan: I inherited this place from my parents. The Davids loved across the hall. I was older than Ziva but I looked up to her. Even then she was a force: determined, inquisitive, stubborn as a mule.
Tony: Sounds about right.

We called them our "wills". Our teacher said that if we buried our wishes in the ground, and thought about them every night, they would become truth.

Deena Bashan

Tony: it's pretty impressive. Mossad has eyes all over the city.
Director Elbaz: All over the world, Agent DiNozzo. It's our job to see.

Ziva: You won the marksmanship ribbon for your outfit four consecutive times. I have six.
Liat: But I'm not done, benefit of youth. See, I would expect you to look into past conduct. But you seem to only care about my abilities with a gun.
Ziva: You have a pet cat... named Bill. I happen to like cats.
Liat: Still, I feel this, uh, measuring contest would be more at home in a men's room. Don't you think?

McGee: Are you studying to be a naturalized U.S. citizen?
Ziva: I have to. To become an agent.
Tony: Who says we want you?

SecNav Porter: Agent Gibbs, with your reputation, I expected Parsa to be disposed of long before now. So, do tell me, please: what sort of help am I not providing?
Gibbs: Influence.

Abby: Why didn't we do more to stop Parsons' investigation? Like a sit-in....or a hunger strike?
Palmer: I'm no good at hunger strikes. I get really light-headed at around four o'clock if I don't have a snack.

At least tell me, what is so important that one assignment can trump a career of rule-breaking?


Parsons: I'll get to the bottom of this.
Morrow: There's a line in the sand, Parsons. Don't cross it.

I'm positive that NCIS is being set up. Sending you out here was not about Lieutenant McBride. It was about separating you from your team.


NCIS Quotes

Bishop: Seriously? How'd you get that?
Tony: Well, it's like Gorillas in the Midst. You'll get to understand his grunts.

Torres: When I break out the glass, maybe I can rip out the bars.
Bishop: With what? Your superhuman strength?