Torres: Uh, Gibbs, my head is killing me.
Gibbs: How much did you have to drink last night?

McGee: How many times did you try calling him?
Bishop: Thirteen, I just, I really hate paperwork.
McGee: No judgments.

Bishop: Hey, have you seen Torres?
McGee: Um, I'm doing fine. Thank you for asking.
Bishop: Oh, okay, McGee, I just saw you like eight hours ago. Do we really need to debrief every morning?
McGee: Well, I guess not.

Torres: How the hell did I get here?
Gibbs: You asking me?
Torres: I'm sure I don't even know where here is?
Gibbs: Apex Marina.
Torres: And what happened to me?
Gibbs: Are these rhetorical questions?

First I’ve got Torres going swan, now I’ve got you going Mallard.


You made your choice. You don’t get to show up at my door now and pretend that you care.


The funny thing about hope. When she gets into your blood, she never leaves you.

Land Lady

I tried every which way to let you go, and I can’t.


Wait, is that Gibbs? And a hot Gibbs?


Palmer: It’s like watching John McEnroe and Jimmy Connors at Wimbledon.
Torres: That is the whitest thing I’ve ever heard.

You’re off the case. Go home, Gibbs.


You didn’t deserve my daughter.


NCIS Quotes

Bishop: Seriously? How'd you get that?
Tony: Well, it's like Gorillas in the Midst. You'll get to understand his grunts.

Torres: When I break out the glass, maybe I can rip out the bars.
Bishop: With what? Your superhuman strength?