You knew the man like no one else, Jimmy.

Jessica [to Palmer]

Jessica: Ducky's handwriting. Not that great.
Palmer: Well, he's a doctor.

Dr. Mallard provided a little glue to keep us all together.

Vance [to Parker]

Palmer: You are one in a million, doctor.
Ducky: True.

Change is the essence of life.

Ducky [to Palmer]

Yeah, you're the guy that never sits, keeps your chair clean; I appreciate it.


You're lucky the CIA doesn't know your poker face the way I do.


I'm thinking of turning this into a regular podcast, the Kasie and Webb Show.


Jessica: My sister and I did a DNA test over Christmas. No surprises there. Just plain old Chinese and Dutch. So boring.
Nick: You're not boring. And neither are you. Check those results, man.
McGee: All right. I'll check.

Nick: Wait. DNA can tell you that?
Jessica: Has Kasie taught you nothing?

Jimmy: I'm sure he's fine, Jess.
Jessica: Of course he's fine.
Jimmy: I just mean I'm sure there's an explanation for all this.
Jessica: Of course there's an explanation.
Jimmy: Exactly. Any idea what it is?

Kasie: I always thought finding a long-lost relative would be fun.
McGee: Even if that meant your father had a secret love child?
Kasie: Oh, that. Yeah, complicated.

NCIS Quotes

Bishop: Seriously? How'd you get that?
Tony: Well, it's like Gorillas in the Midst. You'll get to understand his grunts.

Torres: When I break out the glass, maybe I can rip out the bars.
Bishop: With what? Your superhuman strength?