Bishop: Gibbs?
Torres: No. Not Gibbs.

Well, this is my second bomb encounter of the week. That's got to be some kind of agency record.

Bishop [to Torres]

Torres: You need a lever.
Bishop: Ok, MacGyver. Got one of those in your other pocket?

Bishop: Why are you being so hovery?
Torres: Who says hovery.

Jim, you're in Autopsy. Nothing is going to stop you from pondering the fragility of life.

Kacie [to Palmer]

There's no way they left [these explosives] behind. First chance they get, they'll be back.

Bishop [to Torres]

Torres: When I break out the glass, maybe I can rip out the bars.
Bishop: With what? Your superhuman strength?

I had to do what I had to do. McGee knows that.

Gibbs [to Vance]

Emily: I don't know if I should punch you or I should hug you.
Fornell: Can we start with the hug?

Bishop: You think {Gibbs] is OK.
Torres: I think he did what he had to do.

Torres: Who taught you so much about electronic surveillance?
Fornell: Youtube.

Torres [to Gibbs]: You did all this by yourself. When?
Bishop: Probably when he was sturgeon fishing.

NCIS Season 18 Quotes

Fornell: Then it's your own kid and you think, "Who's broken now?"
Gibbs: How's the pizza?

Gibbs: Let's do this, Butch.
Fornell: No, I'm Sundance. You're never not Butch.