What happens on the road, stays on the road.


The brain tumor is operable and the kids abandon their father on a rat infested island.


Matt: Can't we all just get along.
Coach Purnell: Thank you Mr. Switzerland.

Shannon Prichard's sucking up loose jewelry faster than a Hoover.

Coach Purnell

Dani: How come none of your situations happen at a normal time?
Nico: Because jail time is anytime.

Nico: What's he on Juliette?
Juliette: He's fine. I had more to drink last night than he did.
Nico: And you're proud of that?

Ray Jay is not going to kill me off without a fight.


You just gave me the boost no botox injection ever could.


They're either trying to take TYPX away from me or club baby seals. I'm not sure which.


Honey, it's a high school reunion not a mafia confirmation.


Having a stalker means your a super star.


Ten years and I still have to dance like a trained monkey for my banana.


Necessary Roughness Season 1 Quotes

When you are making a living as a hooker, then you can dig this out of storage.


No matter who you are, no matter how much protective gear you wear, at some point you're gonna get the living crap kicked out of you.
