Andre: In 1986, this hospital needed blood. As so many did. But sexually active gay men were banned from donating it in this country, even if they knew they were HIV negative.
Max: It's not Helm's fault. It was the way the world was then.
Andre: Gay man can't donate convalescence plasma for COVID right now, so you tell me, what exactly changed? I was a gay HIV negative man, my friends were dying, they needed blood, I couldn't donate, I was the head of the damn blood bank. You know what that feels like? A person has to do something. Has to act.
Max: Like Howie Cournemier?
Andre: Howie was fearless. I never met him, but God was he inspiring. He made it so simple. Just do something. Act up. And I did.
Max: You had gay men hide their identities and donate using Howie's name.
Andre: That's the best thing to do during a plague. Give. Help. I got to see scared men going from helpless to heroes drop by drop. Until...
Max: Helm found out.
Andre: He said he'd fire me, my staff, too. Howie Cornemeir wouldn't have stopped fighting, but I needed my job. So I shut the program down, and that's something I have to live with for the rest of my life.
Max: You refilled this hospital's blood bank in under a month, during a pandemic. You're a hero.
Andre: Yet you honor the man who made me a coward. The world is burning, Dr. Goodwin. And you spend your day hunting me down for me defacing a photograph? Shame then. Shame now.

That's why I stole the New Amsterdam seal. That's why I encased it in a giant condom, and that's why I am never giving it back.


You shouldn't have to repent o someone who abandoned you, not when you needed him the most.


Dr. Kapoor just resigned. He's not coming back ever.


Bloom: Kwame, I'm sure it's not the results you wanted, but HIV is not a death sentence anymore.
Kwame: That test is wrong!

She's teething, she's not a felon.


Max: You know what I said to that racist on the train? Nothing. Because I didn't even realize it until I got off the train. Look, I'm not going to ask you to fix everything. I just want you to know that I'm grateful that you're here. It's been hard, but it's been easier knowing that you are here.
Helen: I'm here to inform you that I'm stepping down as medical deputy director. I'm sorry, but it's poor timing.

I don't care what she told you because she is not your friend.


You're not going to fix this because, and I can't believe I have to say this but, systemic racism is not about you. You want answers? Then just hold still, be quiet, and really listen to the people you say you want to help. It's not revolutionary, it's not going to be a quick fix. And if you can't handle that than you're not an ally at all. You're just another semi-woke white liberal with a white savior complex.


Max: You know, I'm always better when you're around, and it's starting to be obvious to me.
Helen: Stop, stop talking.

Floyd: How about the fact that Black doctors get paid 35% less than White doctors too.
Max: Not here?
Floyd: Yeah, here.
Max: Even you?
Floyd: Even me.

  • Permalink: Even me.
  • Added:

Do you not see the irony of asking someone who suffers from systemic racism to fix it?


New Amsterdam Season 3 Quotes

I want everyone to know that I am committed to fixing the cracks around here, OK? The system abandoned us when we need it most, and I vow to fix the system that left us overburdened and unprotected. The system that left our most vulnerable patients behind, and hopefully, New Amsterdam can finally get back to --


You're incredibly upbeat for someone who's living on seeds.

Lauren [to Iggy]