Max: Can I talk to you for a second? I made a pledge to stop the inherent systemic racism and I'm stepping down as medical director.
Helen: Who's going to -
Max: You.

I knew there were secret White doctor meetings.


Max: For the first time since I got here, I have absolutely no idea what to do for the people of this hospital.
Isobel: Good.
Max: Good?
Isobel: You're not supposed to do things for people. You do things with people, that's what starts a movement.

Cassian: I'll help with everything I can.
Helen:No, you can't because everything I have has to go to her.

Floyd: I'm sorry about Superman, Lauren. Nothing about today feels like it makes sense.
Lauren: Maybe it does. He thought he was too small to make a difference.

Helen: You were seeing someone last year. Why didn't you tell me?
Max: I didn't tell anyone.
Helen: Why?
Max: I don't know. It was fragile, and I just thought that I should protect...
Helen: Protect what?

Max: Why didn't you tell me?
Helen: I didn't realize I was supposed to.
Max: Well, you don't have to tell me, I just thought you would want to.
Helen: And you tell me everything? There's no secrets between us?

I used to do that too, flinch at little movements and sounds. I do that too.


So just so I have this straight, you're letting a random homeless woman live in a hospital closet unsupervised.


You got your way of doing things, I got mine. It didn't work out for us personally, but professionally, maybe we have a future.


People have given everything this year except their blood.


I lie to hide my pain.


New Amsterdam Season 3 Quotes

I want everyone to know that I am committed to fixing the cracks around here, OK? The system abandoned us when we need it most, and I vow to fix the system that left us overburdened and unprotected. The system that left our most vulnerable patients behind, and hopefully, New Amsterdam can finally get back to --


You're incredibly upbeat for someone who's living on seeds.

Lauren [to Iggy]