Nathan: So you couldn't have ordered a lobster?
Haley: Dude, macaroni and cheese is food of the Gods.
Nathan: Yeah, if the Gods are five-year-olds.

Karen: You remember when you said the other night that I had good instincts and that I should trust them?
Keith: Yeah.
Karen: (kisses Keith) You were right.

Brooke: We have a hot tub.
Lucas: Brooke, I ...
Brooke: We have a naked me in the hot tub.
Lucas: What if I told you there was someone else?
Brooke: Well, then normally I'd suggest a threesome.

Deb: She's young enough to be your daughter. And in this town, she might just be.
Dan: Ouch!
Deb: Sorry, couldn't resist.

Nathan: Why is the coach so easy with you, Jagielski?
Jake: We party together.
Tim: Maybe they're lovers.
Nathan: Why? Did you two break up?

(voiceover) As happens sometimes, a moment settled and hovered and remained for much more than a moment. And sound stopped and movement stopped for much, much more than a moment. Then gradually time awakened again and moved sluggishly on.


Karen: Lucas called tonight a date for us. And for a while, I pretended that it was. And it felt good.
Keith: Can I tell you a secret?
Karen: Sure. Go ahead.
Keith: I pretended that too.
Karen: (smiles)
Keith: I love you. Always have.

Nathan: I remember this one summer, I was playing little league baseball, and I was the pitcher, and my dad was the coach. Anyway, this kid, Billy Lyons, he was a great hitter. Everything he hit was a homerun. So, you know, he got up to the plate and there was nobody on base, so I just walked him. Four straight pitches, nothing even close to a strike. So my dad calls a timeout, comes to the mound, and I'm thinking he's gonna say like, smart move or good thinking son, something like that. But instead... instead he grabs me by the arm, and he kicks me in the ass as hard as he can. I mean, he literally took me by the arm so that I wouldn't like, go flying, he kicked me so hard. Then he brought Stevie Planking in to pitch, sat me on the bench, never mentioned it again.
Lucas: That sucks.
Nathan: Yeah. So just think about that the next time you're feeling sorry for yourself.

Keith: Oh, what do you know? We finally got the center aisle this year. Guy must've thought I said Dan Scott.
Karen: No. Dan's table has one spot for Dan and five for his ego.

Thing: Okay, the game isn't called two punks staring at each other. It's called Gladiator. Get to it.
Lucas: Alright, you can screw yourself. Because there's no way in hell that the two of us are going to fight. (Nathan tackles Lucas) Or maybe we are.

Lucas: So this Haley thing... you know, for some reason, she feels like you're not full of crap. Don't take advantage of that.
Nathan: I'm not going to.
Lucas:I know you're not. Because if you do, you're going to live to regret it.
Nathan: Bring it on. Hey, listen. Look, man, you didn't have to get in that car when those guys grabbed me. Especially after you warned me not to.
Lucas: Right, whatever. You know the way I see it, I mean, if they would've taken you out, who the hell else am I gonna have to fight with, right?
Nathan: Same person I have.

Brooke: That's perfect. Brooke can come with us!
Haley: Yeah, she named me Brooke.
Brooke: Peyton, can she come? Please? Peyton, please!
Peyton: Just don't touch the stereo. Or we'll have a problem.
Brooke: Road trip!

One Tree Hill Quotes

I found my other half.


Jerry: Dude, were you really just plunging toilets?
Mouth: Yeah, we really gotta stop serving tamales at happy hour.
Jerry: You know how guys are, huh?
Mouth: It was the girls' bathroom.