You make me cry sestra.


Very pretty dirty sexy Rachel like my mother.


The entire project is essentially an orphan. We lost your pre-history, Cosima, and with it all record of several synthetic sequences embedded in your DNA.


Sarah's trying to learn everything about me, just as I am with her.


Sorry about that. I keep telling her it's Cal but she Daddied me twice this morning.


Fine. I'm sure I've got a Ukrainian folk costume in here somewhere.


Felix: You do realize I'm gonna have to paint this to paint this to come to terms with it.
Sarah: Please stop.
Felix: Yeah, you're right. I mean you shot your evil twin sister dead only to have her rise and gut your sister's henchman. How could I capture the nuance?

Orphan Black Season 2 Episode 5 Quotes

Fine. I'm sure I've got a Ukrainian folk costume in here somewhere.


Felix: You do realize I'm gonna have to paint this to paint this to come to terms with it.
Sarah: Please stop.
Felix: Yeah, you're right. I mean you shot your evil twin sister dead only to have her rise and gut your sister's henchman. How could I capture the nuance?