I'm waiting on that big-dick offer. You gonna give it?

Autumn [to Andre]

Somebody's got to be alive to bury y'all.

Woddy [to Murda and Big Teak]

I'm too much of a cat to be fucked by a kitten.


Don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya.

Uncle Clifford [to Corbin]

Uncle Clifford: It wasn't five years ago that you didn't have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of.
Corbin: Well, thank God for dad daddies.
Clifford: And dead mayors too.

Autumn [to Corbin]: We appreciate your low-dick offer.
Uncle Clifford: But we're wondering if there might be some bigger dick out in the sea.

[Autumn] might have gotten us out of a hole. But even the Devil started out as an angel.

Big Al [to Mercedes]

Bailey: Do you ever get [Autumn's] real name?
Keyshawn: You never ask a stripper her real name. If she's gonna give it to you, you gotta earn it.

Uncle Clifford [to Big Al]: Well, tell them we ain't open ... yet.
Corbin: Well, closed legs don't get fed.

Mercedes: I ain't no motherfuckin' coach.
Autumn: You are, actually.

Big Al: Give me your name and give me your number.
Big Bone: They call me Big Bone, baby.
Big Al: Big Bone, meet Big Al.

I guess Chucalissa crept up in my veins like a good vice.

Autumn [to Andre]

P-Valley Quotes

Mississippi: First day back off maternity leave and I've got another fuckin' scar.
Gidget: Hair can cover that one, but the floss can't cover the other ones.

And here I thought strippin' was a recession-proof industry.
