Leslie: Look, if there's anything I can do to make it up to you.
Ron: Sure, how about you shoot me in the head. Oh wait, you already did that.

Tom: Man is the most dangerous game.
Donna: To the Predator.
Tom: I did smell something out there. And it wasn't human.
Leslie: That was pine trees.
Donna: The Predator can see heat.
Tom: We should cover ourselves in mud. It could still be out there.

Tom: Maybe Ron shot himself.
Leslie: Mmm, he has seemed really depressed lately.
Mark: He was shot in the back of the head.
Leslie: You're right. He loves the back of his head. He would never shoot himself there.

Ron: When I look at my palm I see a lady's mouth French kissing a dog. Is that normal?
Ann: Well, the pain medication I gave you is pretty strong. Donna uses it for menstrual cramps.

When you're out with the boys you've gotta be ready for a good pantsing. That's why I have suspenders that connect my bra to my jeans.


Leslie: Ann, you ready to bag some birds?
Ann: Nope. But I am ready to relax by the fire and get my real simple magazine on.
Leslie: Well if you change your mind, you're now officially a licensed Indiana hunter.
Ann: Oh, gross.

And just like that. The one tiny aspect of government I enjoyed was clubbed to death before my eyes.


Leslie: You're literally listening to turkey calls.
Ron: Is this-is this not rap?
Leslie: Come on.

Ron, let's cut the bull. I want me, Tom and all the other ladies included on your hunting trip.


Tom: Mark's not even in the department.
Mark: Neither is Ann.
Tom: But Ann's hot. And that counts for something.

Joe: Hey, Knope. How's life in the Parks De-Fartment?
Leslie: Better than life in the Sewage De-Fartment. Which makes more sense.

Leslie: I've seen you sketch things.
Mark: Uh, yeah. Like poles for stop signs.
Leslie: That everybody stops and looks at.
Mark: By law, Leslie. They're required to.

Parks and Recreation Season 2 Quotes

People in this town don't really like their government officials being activists. Last year a garbageman was suspended for wearing a Livestrong bracelet.


Chimpanzees are very smart, so we had them graduate from college. They like to throw their feces, so we were hoping they would throw their hats. But they just threw their feces.
