You're bigger than the game right now, rookie. Nothing you can do about that. So, at least use it for good.


Al is done, or should I say, I'm done with Al.


Good job, Rook. We'll take it from here. Go take your bow.


It seems like you have a lot of people telling you who you're doing this for, and I wonder if it's about time you start doing this for yourself. Just for you. Screw all the attention and you know what? Screw all those adorable little girls in the crowd with Ginny Baker signs, because you're not a girl scout leader, Rookie! You're a ball player! You do this for you. You do this for your team or you don't do this at all, because you're not aiming your pitches if you're aiming to please everyone.


It's one thing to be the team that called up the first woman. It's another thing to be the team who picked the wrong woman and turned this into a disaster.


Ginny:I was just a little girl! I never asked for any of it. You chose it for me. You did! I have no friends. No interests. I'm a robot in cleats and I'm malfunctioning! It wasn't right what you did. What you did to me.
Bill: You done? Where's your glove?

A girl will never be able to throw hard enough to compete with boys. Not as they start growing. It's biology and we can't change that. That's why we need a secret weapon.


Ginny: We did it Pop.
Bill: We ain't done nothing yet.

She's a gimmick. She's the dwarf that played for the St. Louis Browns. She'll last a game, maybe two. She's be a nice little ass for us and she'll have a great story to tell her grandkids.


Blip: So how you doing?
Ginny: You know, first time in the Majors and all...
Blip: Hey, I got you.

I am an ass slapper, Rookie. I'm also the Captain of this team, so from here on out every time I slap your ass you say thank you sir, may I have another? And take the mound.


Enjoy your moment in the sun, because there's 29 pro teams as we speak figuring out that little trick pitch of yours, and when they do, I'll get my job back and you'll become the answer to a trivia question.


Pitch Quotes

Ginny: But none of that matters, you know why?
Frank: No, but color me intrigued.
Ginny: Because today I'm the starting pitcher for the San Diego Padres.

I know it's only a 2 minute ride to the stadium and you've probably dealt with this kind of paparazzi before, but there's a billion dollar piece of cargo back here, and if you Princess Di her ass and you and me survive, I'm going to Red Wedding you and your entire family.
