Lucas: I'm completely off my game.
Hanna: You don't have any game.

I thought talking to empty chairs is the kind of thing people come here to stop doing.


Caleb: It was easy.
Hanna: Well, I'm not.

You are gone. And I am so over missing you.

Hanna [to Alison]

For months, we've been as welcome in this town as a cold sore.


From ages 2-7, my family used to call me Pookie Bear. But all good things must come to an end.


Aria: Why didn't you call the police?
Jason: I've seen enough cops in my house for one year.

My mom and I try to save our Eat, Pray, Love moments for when we're alone.


Aria: How did you figure this out?
Emily: Please. I've been watching Wheel of Fortune since I was three.

Hanna, it's a funeral, not a Nicki Minaj concert.


Spencer: We should take a photo of Ian, prove we haven't been making this all up.
Hanna: Yeah, well, you go ahead and do that, while I try not to get killed.

Friends share secrets. That's what keeps us close.


Pretty Little Liars Quotes

Emily: A's a terrorist, that's what she wants: To make us worry

Mona is five feet
of insidious snark with a side ponytail,
and I just -- I wanna grab it, and I wanna yank it really, really hard.
