Jessica: What have you done? What have you done?!
Cece: I swear I thought it was Bethany. I didn't think it was Ali.

Jessica: So, all this time you've been pretending to go to school, you've been running around Rosewood with my children?
Cece: I'm your child to.

Cece: Would it kill you to smile?
Jason: What's it to you?
Cece: Rude much?

Jessica: I love you Charlie and I always will.
Charles: I love you more, mommy.

Lord help the mister who comes between me and my sister.


Don't be so dramatic, Ali. They're not dead. Yet.


Hanna: Did we just walk inside A's brain?
Spencer: Yeah, Hanna, I think we did.

Hanna: You don't think that's Ali's chopped up body in those bags, do you?
Spencer: Hanna!

  • Permalink: body bags
  • Added:

Charles drove his car through my house, Aria.


You have been such a bitch to us, but we heard your story. We understand.
