Anna: This is the last time you will deliver to my house.
Texas Meno: I do like I'm told. And if you're smart, you will too.

Justina: I do not need any help from a Funk.
Tina: We are all fallen and alone now, in one way or another.

Noah: God help us.
Abel: Ya, he will. With a little help from us.

That's OK. Phones are allowed. The only things verboten here are unpaid bills and unhappy workers.

Augustus [to Anna]

Julius: Not too easy for you either, with your lifestyle.
Abel: No, Klaus and I are brothers.

I am Anna Funk and I am in charge now.


Sounds like a job for your people, not for us.

Abel [to Valerie]

Someone is going to help me, you or [Anna].

Valerie [to Noah]

Noah: Ya. I fixed her dryer.
Abel: Is that what they call it now?

It's different for a boy. Sooner or later, he needs to see for himself what it means to live in the world of men.

Anna [to Tina]

Jay: Why not stay in Belize?
Noah: Because I am weak. I know I cannot see them again, but I cannot be so far away.

[Your family's] had a rough go without you. No money, excommunicated from the colony and you were, what, having a gap year?

Jay [to Noah]

Pure Quotes

Prostitute: Twenty bucks? That's all you got?
Bronco: Yeah. Sorry.

There was a boy. Find him.
