Bronco: Please tell me you didn't park the buggy out front.
Noah: Snowflake is tied up in the park.
Doc: Snowflake! I love it!

Being pastor has brought on many new responsibilities. And I am blessed to have a family to help.


Bronco: Thank you for the clothes. And the ones with the blood on them ...
Anna: I will burn them.

Noah: So you have no help? It's just you and me against Eli Voss and his entire mob.
Bronco: And also your brother Abel.

You are an evil, stupid man.

Noah [to Bronco]

Tina: [Anna's] trying to get rid of us.
Isaac: You spend too much time pretending to know things you don't.
Tina: Just be glad you're so clueless. [Ezekiel] has seen more than any of us and he doesn't see a thing.

What the hell is he doing? Is he praying? We don't have time to pray.

Bronco [about Noah]

Bronco: Did you know about this? Did you know this was the plan?
Noah: Chad said he would help with Mr. Crowbar but he didn't say how.

What do you say we stick to the original deal? Sound like a plan?

Chad [to Noah]

Noah: If I bring you into this, how do I keep you safe?
Anna: If you don't, how can keep you safe?

Jesus Christ! I thought you guys were pacifists.

Courtney [to Anna]

Anna: And your wife is ...
Bronco: Happier without me, like most people.

Pure Quotes

Prostitute: Twenty bucks? That's all you got?
Bronco: Yeah. Sorry.

There was a boy. Find him.
