Celine: Sometimes I can't help but feel that I don't belong on this team. I'm not like the rest of you.
Jocelyn: But that's why you're here. When you operate in gray, it's good to have someone who sees the world in black and white.

Ryan: If anyone knows how complicated things get when you fall in love with a fellow agent, it's me. I'm sorry, Harry.
Harry: You're very lucky to have her around. Don't screw it up.

You know the hardest question to answer in your life is, "who am I?" Some people get to answer it for themselves, and the others have it answered for them. Choice versus duty.


Ryan: Dude saved your life back there. Are you really going to ignore him the entire time he's here?
Harry: That was the plan, yes.

It's always the one closest to you holding the knife.


Ryan: Well, we're in the business of lying. He was doing his job, and you were doing yours.
Harry: Is that how you justify how you're treating Shelby, that we're in the business of lying?

He may be a Brit, but Harry's a damn cowboy.


Alex: You're like a bad country song.
Mike: There's no such thing.

Harry: Well, here we are again, together and yet utterly alone.
Alex: Is this the part where we make a death pact if we're not married by the time we're 40.
Harry: Marriage is a death pact.

Alex: So you're a horologist?
Mike: A horologist?
Charlie Hill: It means clockmaker, not the study of your mother.
Shelby: Burn.

Shelby: Any allergies we should be aware of?
Charlie Hill: Cats, shellfish, Ukrainian women.

Celine: Okay, how much longer are you going to play the, "I got shot at," card?
Deep: Honestly? I'm going to print out some sort of certificate to replace my Ph.D.

Quantico Quotes

Alex: You're not my type.
Ryan: Said to the man you just had sex with.

The last night of freedom for us both.
