Ian: It might still be a military base studying a UFO and I am not saying that in a giddy science nerd way.
Jenn: You’re saying it in a they’ll-go-to-any-lengths-to-keep-Ben-quiet way.

Addison: I already buried you once. Please, do not make me bury you again.
Ben: No one made you do that! No one made you bury me after two years, but you did. And now, I have to live with whatever that means for the rest of my life. Whatever kind of life this is. Now, I’m doing this. And if you aren’t with me as my hologram, this will not work. So please, don’t give up on me. Again.

Sheriff: This is the part where you ask us what we want to keep our mouth shut.
Ben: You have a serum at your base that can reverse the effects of Gamma Blue 5. We’d like a dose for Melanie Hunt. We’d like for you to provide a statement to Mr. Hunt explaining that – let’s call in a helicopter – flew too low and caused Carrie to crash.
Sheriff: Carrie gets a full scholarship to the college of her choice. And throw in a car. Like yours. A new one.

Sheriff: I don’t know how best to thank you.
Ben: Perhaps, talk to Carrie. About how you feel. About what you’ve both been through. What you’ve lost. Just talk to her.
Sheriff: That easy, huh?
Ben: It’s the hardest thing in the world. But it’s the only way forward.

Magic: All the agony and loss we went through doesn’t vanish just because Ben’s alive. We still carry all three years of it.
Addison: I, uh, I don’t know how to help him anymore. It’s so strange to look at Ben – my Ben – and not know what to do.

Ben: What we perceive as the force of gravity arises from the curvature of space…
Hannah: … and time.
Ben: A-ha, what kind of waitress knows the general theory of relativity?

Go live the life you want to live.


Ben: Goodbye, Hannah.
Hannah: Oh no, don’t say goodbye. It’s so final. Just say, see you later. That leaves an open door.
Ben: See you later.

Quantum Leap Season 2 Episode 3 Quotes

I have also seen things that are hard to explain and harder to believe.


Jenn: Here we go. Ian’s theories about E.T.
Ian: You do realize that it’s a statistical inevitability that other forms of life exist in this universe.
Magic: I’m a believer.
Jenn: But you’re so reasonable.
Magic: Being leapt into changes one’s perspective on life’s possibilities.