Addison: You are on a flight from London to New York, one of the first in this brand new line of 747s but no idea why you’re here.
Ben: Mmm, so we’re flying blind. Apologies for the wordplay.
Addison: You’re not sorry at all.
Ben: Nope.

Addison: Well, I’ll ask the obvious. Shouldn’t we just make an emergency landing?
Ben: Oh yeah? How am I supposed to make that case? ‘Captain, I know my main function on this flight is walking sex symbol, but let me explain why you should divert hundreds of passengers to the middle of nowhere.’
Addison: Okay, well, we could workshop the dialogue a bit.

Ben: I’m starting to think the early seventies wasn’t the best time for stewardesses.
Addison: I am appreciating your feminist awakening.

Cory: I was so stupid. None of these people care about me. My parents pay to ship me off. Even the people who are paid to care about me don’t care about me. Guess you really can’t trust anyone.
Ben: People let you down, kid. That’s life.
Cory: You’re not very good at pep talks.
Ben: Sorry, I’m usually better at this. It’s been a rough week.

Look, I was wrong. When I said people let you down, they do. Sometimes. But then at some point, you have to get back off the mat and learn to trust other people again. Learn to trust yourself. I’ll bet your whole life, they did everything for you. Your parents, your minders. But I can see that you’re ready to stand on your own two feet. If you trust yourself, you can do anything.


Quantum Leap Season 1 Episode 17 Quotes

Addison: Well, I’ll ask the obvious. Shouldn’t we just make an emergency landing?
Ben: Oh yeah? How am I supposed to make that case? ‘Captain, I know my main function on this flight is walking sex symbol, but let me explain why you should divert hundreds of passengers to the middle of nowhere.’
Addison: Okay, well, we could workshop the dialogue a bit.

Addison: You are on a flight from London to New York, one of the first in this brand new line of 747s but no idea why you’re here.
Ben: Mmm, so we’re flying blind. Apologies for the wordplay.
Addison: You’re not sorry at all.
Ben: Nope.