Pote: If he doesn’t get into the school with his grades we can always buy a building like all those rich, white parents do.
Teresa: He’ll get in on his own.

Oksana: Scorched earth won’t fill our pockets.
Teresa: And give him another chance to kill me?
Oksana: You found a bloodless solution to the Cheo problem, I’m sure we can do the same for Raoul.

Marcel: Know this Gordo, you set one foot in my city and you’ll be dancing at the bottom of the Mississippi.
Gordo: Oh yeah, guess what? I’m already here. Not you, not Teresa, not any malignant river can take me down. Understand? See you later.

Louisiana is the prison capital of the world, and just look where the wind is blowing. Our correctional facilities are overcrowded, detention centers on the southern border are swarming with illegals, and the overflow is coming our way.


I tried to help you, Raoul, but Teresa showed you for what you are. A liability.


Pote: I know you hate me, Tony, but I need to tell you something. You stood up for Teresa. It doesn’t matter the way it went down. You are a man.
Tony: I thought I could do it. You know, I wanted to do it but I just couldn’t.
Pote: A pistola doesn’t make you a man, sacrifice does, and you were willing to lose your life for her. You are a true soldier.

I will destroy your family to save mine.


People die every day trying to come to this country hoping for a better life. You have options. You can be whoever you want to be. People have died for you to have that chance.


Tony: It’s not about me killing Pote, it’s me keeping him alive.
Teresa: I don’t understand.
Tony: Those sketches are my nightmares. I draw to get them out of my head so I can sleep, so I can feel normal.

Teresa: Pote killed Tony’s father. He stole from Epifanio.
Javier: Well, those are the rules, you steal, you die.
Teresa: But that doesn’t make sense for a kid. His father will always be his hero.
Javier: That’s why he wants to be a sicario. It’s all he’s ever known. Like my family, like me.

Davis: You pretend to be this honorable man but you're a crook and a liar.
LaFayette: I’m sorry you feel that way, son, but know this, everything I’ve done, I’ve done to take care of you because you can’t take care of yourself.
Davis: That’s not true.
LaFayette: Now who’s lying, son?

Teresa: This is like you coming after me, Brenda, and Tony.
Pote: That’s right. In this life, your family is your greatest strength and your greatest weakness.

Queen of the South Quotes

You could say that I am living proof that the American dream is alive and well.


My name is Teresa Mendoza. I am from Mexico. I was born poor, not that that's bad but take it from me, I've been poor and I've been rich. Rich is better.
