I’ll trust that you can keep Judge LaFayette’s honorable name out of your dirty little mouth.

Det. Green

Pote: The other day he thought I fell asleep here on the couch. He pulled out a gun on me.
Kelly Anne: He what? What did you do?
Pote: Nothing, I just lay here waiting for him to pull the trigger but he couldn’t, not yet, at least.
Kelly Anne: So you were just going to let him kill you.
Pote: All my life I’ve lived by the sword, I figure I’ll die by it too.

Pote: I took his father away from him. If someday he has the courage to pull the trigger, it’s okay by me. I’ve made my peace with it.
Kelly Anne: No, that’s not okay with me. You don’t get to go around making crazy decisions without even considering the people who love you.
Pote: You love me? I don’t deserve that.
Kelly Anne: Yes, you do. You are the kindest, sweetest man I’ve ever met.
Pote: I’m also a murderer.
Kelly Anne: Yeah. Well, so am I.

You’ve worked so hard to build what you have here. If you run, you’ll be starting over. I can’t let that happen to you. You’ve been so good to me, Patrona. You’ve given me a home, a family I can trust. I owe you more than you know.


Come back to Mexico, primo, I’ll protect you. Stop with the bullshit. Leave this shit behind. We’re family, and if Teresa wants a war, I’ll give it to her.


Ishmael: What happened to the no collateral damage?
Pote: Ask the mailman’s widow.

Marcel: Murdering a witness under Federal protection, it’s a suicide mission.
Teresa: I know.
Javier: I’ll do it.

Rene, he was a son of a bitch but he was my blood, and I promise you, whoever did this will pay with theirs. Them and everyone they love. Amen.

Judge LaFayette

Tony: You have me living with my father’s killer.
Teresa: Tony?
Tony: You’re no better than the people you say you’re protecting me from. I’m going back to Mexico and I never want to see you again.

Part of taking a life is dealing with the aftermath. This is not one of your video games. This is nasty, this is dirty, it’s real and you need to see that.


You are both killers and I’m a fool for believing you both. Oh God, what did I get myself in to?


Teresa: Listen, my life is so messy right now, and I can’t be honest with you. There are things that you don’t know and I can’t see you anymore.
Eddie: What are you talking about?
Teresa: I think it’s better we stop.

Queen of the South Quotes

You could say that I am living proof that the American dream is alive and well.


My name is Teresa Mendoza. I am from Mexico. I was born poor, not that that's bad but take it from me, I've been poor and I've been rich. Rich is better.
