Teresa: She’s with us now. She’s my lawyer.
Pote: And she’s family.

Boaz: Javier was my blood, not yours.
Teresa: He killed my godson. If I can wait, so can you. This isn’t a request.

A banker stole from me once. He’s no longer in business.


I know things are complicated between you and James, but it’s real simple between you and me. There’s only two women I’ve loved in my life, my momma and you. You’re like the sister I never had, so I am always going to be looking out for you.


Lafayette: They say the sins of the father are passed down. I wish my sins had been passed down. If Davis had been a son of a bitch, a bull, like me, he’d still be alive. But, he took after his mother, God rest her soul.
Boaz: I was angry for a long time. Then one day, I woke up at peace.
Lafayette: Peace? Not really my nature.
Boaz: I never said it lasted.
Lafayette: What took its place?
Boaz: Revenge.
Lafayette: Now that’s something I can drink to.

Kelly Anne: Thank you for not murdering me.
James: You’re welcome.

If you plan on sticking around, you just need to remember that Teresa’s the boss, so next time she gives you an order, you better follow it.

Kelly Anne

Pote: Listen, Kelly Anne. This war with LaFayette, it’s really bad. I would like you to go and stay with Cheecho’s mom in uptown.
Kelly Anne: I’m not going anywhere. This is my family.
Pote: I know it is but Teresa needs your help with the business, not with a gun.

Oksana: Kostya is a very cautious man. It is rare that he meets somebody face to face. He does not trust people outside his circle.
Teresa: I understand that.
Oksana: I do not think you do, Teresa. If Kostya pays you a surprise visit, he’s the last person you will ever see.

You got Tony killed! You almost got Teresa killed. Now, you will die, Cabron.


Davis: You’re the only person she wanted to talk to. She tried to call you just before Randall pulled her from the truck.
Javier: It was Randall who killed her?
Davis: He does all the dirty work.

There’s only one way to be safe in this business, to become powerful enough that no one can touch you.


Queen of the South Quotes

You could say that I am living proof that the American dream is alive and well.


My name is Teresa Mendoza. I am from Mexico. I was born poor, not that that's bad but take it from me, I've been poor and I've been rich. Rich is better.
