Despite how I feel about her, I know that she loves Blue, and I need that little boy to be surrounded by as much love as possible. He’s going to need it one day.


You’re responsible for unleashing this demon, the least you can do is help me leash it.


Sorry to offend your Daughters of the Confederacy sensibilities but I just shook the family tree. I’m not responsible for who falls out of it.


It ain’t about looking back, it never is. It’s about the here and now. Breaking bad cycles. Looking forward. No more secrets.


Can you accept you told the wrong story? I counted. You wrote way more pages on my trials than on my triumph, and I triumphed, damn it. I showed you, by moving on, by living my best life, by letting love into my life again when I could have shut my heart down forever. I showed you.


Micah: Mom, I’m not going to Harvard. I’m going to Xavier University here in NOLA.
Charley: Wait. What are you talking about? Xavier’s not even on our list.
Micah: I made my own list. I’m going to study art and political science and pursue a career in photography.

Ralph Angel: What are you doing here, Nova?
Nova: I heard you’re handing out second chances, thought I’d try my luck.

I realized something. I ain’t got to worry about the Landrys bringing us down. I’ve got to worry about enemies, for what? When I’ve got a sister like Nova Bordelon right here.

Ralph Angel

Micah, you have to celebrate your wins. After everything you’ve been through, we’ve been through, we deserve a victory lap.


Nova: Now that’s a bold move but, this won’t win him more votes?
Charley: If we play this right, he’ll lose 10 maybe 15% of his white voters, the ones who are blatantly racists, and the small percentage of black supporters he has will reconsider his support once they start to feel he’s pandering his newfound ethnicity and that should be enough to tip the race in my favor.
Nova: That’s bold, Charley. Risky for you and Jacob. The Landrys, the Boudreauxs, and whoever else they’re working with behind the scenes, I don’t think they handle losing very well.
Charley: Yeah, well, neither do I.

Ralph Angel: The thing is, nobody tell you that loving somebody could hurt so much. Always terrified of losing all the things you pray for.
Darla: I pray for you. I still do. I pray that you could forgive me one day.
Ralph Angel: I already told you, I do, and I mean it.
Darla: I mean really forgive me. Forgive me enough to go back to what we had before. Do you think you could ever think about us again?
Ralph Angel: I always do. I don’t think I ever really stopped.

Calvin: Say yes.
Nova: To what?
Calvin: To us. To happiness.

Queen Sugar Quotes

The players who got caught with the girl are just kids, coming straight out of high school. No home training, no life skills. We hand them millions of dollars and then say good luck. They marry riffraff. They live wild, now they're messing up our livelihood.


Nova: Be good.
Calvin: I won't tell you the same.
Nova: You know better.