Charley: We’ve spread the word that we’re a designated safe zone. A sensitive location, right? No ICE raids allowed.
Romero: I know but with all the hate in the air, people are afraid of ICE regardless. I mean, they’re raiding schools and churches. Nowhere is truly safe.

Tia will be welcome here any time to visit Micah.


If we see the world differently it’s because I am committed to doing whatever I had to do to keep you safe.


Violet: I called her three times this morning.
Hollywood: She’s too scared to answer. Hell, I would be too.
Violet: Then she shouldn’t have put my life out there for the world.

Micah: I’m not judging you, Mom, I just don’t understand you sometimes.
Charley: So you believe everything you read?
Micah: No, but this book was written by somebody I trust. So…
Charley: Trust. So you don’t trust me.

Prosper: Life is full of surprises plus, I’ve seen this kind of thing before. My father wasn’t my father either, I mean if you mean in the Biblical way.
Ralph Angel: For real?
Prosper: Didn’t find out until I was in high school and by then I didn’t care. Now he was good to me, that’s thicker than blood.
Ralph Angel: Sounds like a good man.
Prosper: He wasn’t my father but he was my Daddy. So the way I look at it, I won and Blue did too. A book don’t change that.

Hollywood: He said he caught you when you passed out. He put his hands on you and he ain’t even say who he was.
Violet: Hollywood.
Hollywood: Trying to play the good samaritan and shit and then he gonna tip on out the front door. Oh, hell no!

Keke: Why you acting all new on me? Fighting that guy like you some new age thug, you think that’s cute?
Micah: You know he had it coming. If it wasn’t me it was going to be someone else.
Keke: I’m not with someone else.

Jacob: You know how much I like you, Charley, but I need to let you know, I think it’s best if you don’t ruffle any more feathers.
Charley: I don’t respond to threats.
Jacob: You know what my family’s capable of. They’re like a freight train, they stop at nothing in their way and you shutting down the prison, didn’t exactly slow things down. That’s all I’m at liberty to say.

Hollywood: I know who you are, Jimmy Dale, and I know what you’re all about. So you can save the Showtime at the Apollo skinin’ and grinin’ cause I know what’s behind it and so does my wife.
Jimmy Dale: Oh, I see what’s going on here but you got this all wrong. See, me and Violet, things just didn’t work out, that’s all, but that’s old water under an old bridge, friend.
Hollywood: I ain’t your friend. I’m Hollywood Desonier and I’m gonna tell you this one time and be noble about it. You need to bounce.

You remember Ernest Bordelon? Yeah, Ernest. So if you want part two of that ass whooping, think I’m playing with you. So go ahead and pay your tab, get your little goofy ass in the car and get the hell up out of town before you catch these hands.


[Reading the letter sent to him.] Micah West, close your big, loud mouth or we will fill it with your blood and our bullets. Keep stirring up trouble in St. Jo and we will put you down like the filthy mutt you are.


Queen Sugar Quotes

The players who got caught with the girl are just kids, coming straight out of high school. No home training, no life skills. We hand them millions of dollars and then say good luck. They marry riffraff. They live wild, now they're messing up our livelihood.


Nova: Be good.
Calvin: I won't tell you the same.
Nova: You know better.