We only acquire what sells, and if we bring you into the Ivory NFT art show, you need to sell and keep selling. Otherwise, you're dead weight.


Nova: Stop thinking and just do.
Billie: I'm going to need you to get a new catchphrase.

Mo: The seeds remember the land they came from.
Nova: My mother used to tell us about how girls would braid rice and okra into their hair when they were stolen from Africa to remember home.
Mo: Yeah, lots of African plants and crops are here in the Americas because of those women.

Being real has never gone out of style.


Micah: Honestly, I was just surprised to see you.
Keke: I know. You looked like a deer at the start of hunting season. You never liked surprises.

Nothing extraordinary happens without taking chances.


Violet: What are you all gossiping about? Dominic? I want to hear. Spill it. It's been six months. That's almost a lifetime in Nova years.
Nova: Hey, that's not fair. I'm not that bad. I was with Calvin for almost five years. I know. Four of those, he was still married. Nothing to tell. Dominic is great.
Violet: Well, we're all glad. We like him, and we were worried. We didn't want to lose him. You know, you can go through men like water.
Nova: Where is this coming from? And I haven't only dated men.
Violet: And we never meet the ladies.

Because of all your hard work, we found out that our family is intertwined with yours once again in the grave.

Sam Landry

Ralph Angel: This baby's only six months old and got more gifts than I had my whole life.
Hollywood: That's because she is a princess, and she deserves to be spoiled.

Hollywood: [About Ralph Angel]: You know, him and Ernest are the same. Whenever times got rough, they just walked the land. I feel bad for him that he can't do that no more.

Billie: You look nice. Hot date?
Prosper: Oh, hush. Just heading over to Sandy's. She needs help fixing her window.
Billie: You must have fixed her whole house by now, Daddy.

This isn't the end. We begin again. Like you did before, and they did before us.


Queen Sugar Quotes

The players who got caught with the girl are just kids, coming straight out of high school. No home training, no life skills. We hand them millions of dollars and then say good luck. They marry riffraff. They live wild, now they're messing up our livelihood.


Nova: Be good.
Calvin: I won't tell you the same.
Nova: You know better.