Jones: You're not afraid I'll run?
Isobel: What kind of a white knight would run away?

Look, I'll tell you one thing. This town's missing a Valenti.

Bert [to Kyle]

I'm ready to go back to my cage. And I'm ready to set you free, Max.


Bronson: Can he survive without him?
Louise: I don't know.

Michael: Find my friends should be called find my intergalactic enemy.
Max: Dude, I felt, I felt how strong he is, man. He is stronger than all of us.
Michael: Well, lucky for us. I got a long history of fighting someone with your face.

Michael: Is that your dad?
Kyle: Speaking through a hundred year old glowing radio that's reacting to your magic rock? Now you interested?

Maria: Could you send us to the psychic vision section? We're looking for something.
Liz: The funeral. I know. Only you can find it, Maria. But you can't see the rest of that funeral because you don't want to.
Maria: I threw myself off a building.
Liz: But think of it like a repressed memory. It unsettles you, so you subconscious buried it. Underneath all this. Everyone in here represents a hidden truth. Confront them, you'll get where you wanna go. Ignore them, you gotta stay with me.

Alex: Wait! In Maria's vision, I say that I am covering up a murder, right?
Michael: Yeah.
Alex: It's not you.
Michael: You can't know that.
Alex: Yes, I can. If it were you, I would not cover it up. I would burn the entire world down first.

Kyle: Why are you so afraid to talk to him?
Liz: I am not afraid. I am furious at him. He made me believe that I was capable of anything. Of being anyone. And then he took it away when he burned it all down.
Kyle: You used his DNA, Liz. Without telling him. Max didn't put you here. You did when you decided to put science before everything else. Success at any cost has a cost. And you never stopped to consider it. Look, you can run from Max forever if you want, but you can't run from yourself. Eventually you'll have to take responsibility for the things that you've done to the people you love.
Liz: All I ever wanted was to save lives.
Kyle: That doesn't make it right.

Kyle: You have to talk to Liz.
Max: No, I can't. It is not safe for her to be here.

Ramos: Deep Sky was established to explore the untapped potential that lies within us all. And the universe itself. Our goal is to ask the questions that no one else has ever bothered to.
Alex: Why'd you hire me then?
Ramos: We think you have the potential to do what your predecessors never could. Gaze unto the abyss, until the abyss gazes back.

Michael: I could kill you right now. Take your heart and save Max.
Jones: Well, then you'd be just like your dad.

Roswell, New Mexico Season 3 Quotes

Michael: Is something weird going on with Max lately?
Isobel: Weirder than him having an evil twin hidden in the desert?
Michael: He seems fun.
Isobel: Are you sure this isn't misplaced nerves about Alex coming home? Because in last nights mindscape you were sending out some pretty intense 'I think it's our times' vibes.

Isobel: Max! What did he do to you?
Max: He, uh, he told me he's the savior, and I'm the clone.