J.D.: I love champagne. You mind if I have a little? Thank you. A nipper! Ahh! Tingly! It's a tingly drink! Oooooh! Pretty candles! Anyhoo, I know you broke up with Dan because you thought I was upset, but in reality, I... uh... I... "I want to thank you! For giving me the best day of my life..." I love this song, who is it?
Elliot: Dido. And you've really got to meet my brother Barry.

Dr. Cox: Awww. That wasn't very soft and creamy.
Molly: It's okay. He has a hospital to run, I understand.
Dr. Cox: Good God. She can't be stopped.

Turns out you can't go to your mom's wedding. There's too much shift-switching going on here and I don't like shift-switching. It's too hard to say!

Dr. Kelso

Dr. Kelso: Why are you whistling, Ted? Your life is pathetic.
Ted : Right.

Dr. Cox: Dear God, she has an actual skip in her step.
Dr. Kelso: Doesn't bother me as much as the whistling.

J.D.: Oh, come on, don't go. We can watch 'Kangaroo Jack' and chug a Foster's every time they say "g'day"!
Dan: G'day, J.D.
J.D.: Dan!
Dan: I said g'day!

J.D.: Don't you think you're overreacting?
Dan: No, J.D., I don't, because Elliot was the best thing that ever happened to me and now she's gone. Ahhhh... she's gone! She's gone. She's... gone! She's gone... she's gone.
J.D.: That's not even the right gibberish!

Dan: Hey, little brother.
J.D.: AAAAGGGHHH! What are you doing back in the tub!?

J.D.: Dude, your idea totally worked!
Turk: Incoming, man.
Elliot passes the door.
J.D.: MY OWN BROTHER! WHY? (punches wall) Ohh, God, it hurts so bad!
Turk: You can stop now, she's gone.
J.D.: No, I think I broke my hand.

Dr. Kelso: Oh, sweet Moses. Everything has gone straight down the crapper since Enid got off the antidepressants.
Dr. Cox: I didn't know Enid suffered from depression.
Dr. Kelso: She doesn't. Those pills kill her sex drive.

Dr. Cox: Bob, do you realize what you did by giving Blondie that book?
Dr. Kelso: With any luck, I kept her from reporting me to the board for trying to con her out of meds.

Dr. Cox: Bob. We have a problem.
Dr. Kelso: Not now, Perry, I'm swamped. I'm trying to find an exterminator to kill the bat in my attic.
Dr. Cox: Be a man, Bob! That's what tennis racquets are for!
Dr. Kelso: Try telling that to my one-eared dog.

Scrubs Season 4 Episode 7 Quotes

Dr. Cox: I hate you, Bob.
Dr. Kelso: Same times a thousand, big guy.

Dan: Well, goodnight, little bro.
J.D.: Oh, goodnight, Dan. Sleep tight. There's a bus schedule underneath your pillow.