Kramer: This guy leaves this jacket at my mother's house for two years. Now, she hasn't seen him since and now he says he wants the jacket back.
Jerry: So?
Kramer: Well, I'm not giving it back.

Elaine: (to George) Listen, there were too many distractions there. Babuwhatever his name was, and Kramer, I couldn't concentrate.
Jerry: (swaying around mockingly) It was a maaaad-house!
Elaine: Jerry, it was!

(with his sweater over his nose) Bazooka Joe.


I meet a lot of women in this jacket. They're attracted to it.


(explaining how he got food on his IQ test) I had a sandwich in my pocket.


Where are people? You see people? Show me people! There are no people!


George: If I am not in front of my building at 6:15 when my parents get there, they are going to put me on an aggravation installment plan that will compound with interest for decades.

I could get uromisitisis poisoning and die!


Jerry: Why do I always have the feeling everyone's doing something better than me on Saturday afternoon?Elaine: This is what people do.Jerry: No they don't. They're out on picnics, cooking burgers, making out on blankets. Not in some mall in Jersey helping their friends find the world's cheapest air conditioner.

You know, I've been issued a public urination pass by the city because of my condition. Unfortunately, my little brother ran out of the house with it this morning. Him and his friends are probably peeing all over the place.


Kramer: Purple 23, remember that.George: Yeah, that I'm supposed to remember. Where the car is, that's insignificant.

George: Fish. What do they do?Elaine: What do you do?

Seinfeld Season 3 Quotes

George: A man gave me a massage.
Jerry: So?
George: So he had his hands and, uh, he was
Jerry: He was what?
George: He was touching and rubbing.

Raymond: (massaging George's hamstring) How did you do this?
George: (VERY tense) Do what?
Raymond: How did you hurt your hamstring?
George: (quickly) I dunno
Raymond: You don't know?
George: I dunno
Raymond: Okay, where did this happen?
George: (Quickly again) Korea.
Raymond: Korea?
George: Korea.
Raymond: You hurt yourself in Korea?
George: I dunno.