Julie: You smell like a bonfire.
Bob Lee: I almost was one.

there are a lot of ways that you're like your dad, but there's plenty of ways you're not.


Isaac: There were four of us in the room when the safe was open. If we don't have it -
Nadine: Then Gregson does.

Harris: The more valuable you are, the more vulnerable you are.
Red Bama: That may be the first smart thing you said since you got here.

Harris: What do you want from me?
Red Bama: I want to offer you a job, for one.

Bob Lee: Harris got grabbed.
Julie: What does that have to do with you?

I'm not in the business of saving lives, Nadine. I'll leave that to you and Swagger.


Thank you for the clothes. I will mail them to you once I wash the fear out of them.


If Phoenix became Atlas, then my dad was one of the founding fathers.

Bob Lee

Bob Lee: I know that was some heavy shit, but you kinda kicked ass.
Harris: Thanks.

You must know something, even if you don't know what you know.

Bob Lee

Harris: Where are you going?
Bob Lee: Just walk in like you belong. No one will say anything. White man's privilege.

Shooter Quotes

Bob Lee: We don't need night vision, we're Marines.
Mary: Semper fi!
Bob Lee: Semper fi.

Hunter: That wolf is ours!
Bob Lee: She might have a different opinion