I've tried various healing incantations but this is unlike any sickness I've ever seen. Henry expected this illness. He said that Moloch has a new purpose for me.


Ichabod: Katrina you're not ill.
Katrina: I'm pregnant.

Ichabod: No.
Henry: Don't say no, say rise. Rise my horrid King, rise Moloch.
Katrina: The demon inside of me.
Abbie: Is Moloch.

Katrina: Ichabod you said that the secrets I've kept from you are bygones, but I know trust can be hard to rebuild once it's broken.
Ichabod: In truth, it pained me to think you were not who I knew.
Katrina: Who I was never changed. The things that I kept from you were things that I had done.
Ichabod: As a witch, as a spy.
Katrina: Roles I undertook during the war.
Ichabod: Nevertheless they are part of who you are and secrecy is a hard habit to break.

Abbie: This is supernatural. I'm putting my money on Henry being behind it.
Ichabod: A wager I would not bet against.

Abbie: Hawley was a dead end.
Ichabod: Not surprising. After all, Mr. Hawley's allegiance seems only to be to himself.

A succubus. It's a creature that seduces its victims and then feeds off of its life force.


Katrina: The succubus, she's not feeding herself. The energy she's collecting she's using it to nurture this creature.
Ichabod: What creature?
Katrina: The creature that was inside of me.
Abbie: Moloch.

Irving: My soul belongs to the Horseman of War, but for now I am still in control of my actions. Even chose my own color jello at breakfast this morning.
Jenny: That's a good sign.
Irving: I did this to protect my daughter and I'd make the same choice again if I had to.
Abbie: We're gonna get you out of here. We'll find a way to undo whatever Henry did to your soul.

Ichabod: Tarrytown hospital is built on a specific ley line that points of convergence between us and the spirit world.
Abbie: And now with Moloch here on Earth...
Ichabod: He might have conjured her to pray upon our resolve.

It seems you possess the maternal instinct after all.


Jane Lambert claimed the lives of twenty one patients across the country while working as a nurse back in the 1950s.


Sleepy Hollow Quotes

Abbie: Who is he? When's the last time you saw him?
Ichabod: When I cut off his head.

Police Detective: Do you admit to cutting off his head, yes or no?
Ichabod: Nooo. First I shot him, then he rose back up. Cutting off his head seemed the next logical step.