I was born for battle. Built for it. Sometimes, in battle, a perfectly crafted plan gets compromised. A true general comes up with a better one right there on the spot. Working without a net and sticking the landing to thunderous applause.


There's a moment in a fight when that first blow lands and everything stops. And in that flash of clarity, you know who you are. I'll push as hard as it takes to get my engine back. Snowpiercer, one thousand and twenty-three cars long.


Wilford: Zarah, just in time. You should be here for this.
Zarah: As a hostage or a spectator?
Wilford: As my confidante. Nothing less.

Never fails to amaze me. You take so much in and give so little back. I just hobbled your man, Zarah, and you didn't even flinch.


She waited eight years outside. Can't very well kill her on Day 2.


There's two things you should know about Tailies. We have loooooong memories, and we win wars.


Pike. Mr. Pike. You're a dear man and a brave one, but this war is bigger than us.


If you are doing this for a child, you will do things that you will regret.


Till: You know, when you sing, I can almost convince myself you're not a horrible person.
Miss Audrey: Thank you.
Till: And then I remember you only sing covers, so the words aren't actually yours.
Miss Audrey: Lyrics are just dressing.

You scoff, but at the end of the day, that's all there is. The person you sing for.

Miss Audrey

We're not the torturers. We're just... providing a venue.


Has there ever been a right side on this goddamn train?


Snowpiercer Season 3 Episode 3 Quotes

There's a moment in a fight when that first blow lands and everything stops. And in that flash of clarity, you know who you are. I'll push as hard as it takes to get my engine back. Snowpiercer, one thousand and twenty-three cars long.


I was born for battle. Built for it. Sometimes, in battle, a perfectly crafted plan gets compromised. A true general comes up with a better one right there on the spot. Working without a net and sticking the landing to thunderous applause.
