Miles: It's how we settled disagreements when they got bad. The two people sat together, eye to eye. They weren't allowed to leave until it was resolved.
Josie: When they come to terms, the whole Tail holds them to it.

Wilford: The science has merit.
Audrey: Science is wasted without power. You said that.

Miss Audrey: Alex, is he awake? I know what the suspension drugs can do. He needs me.
Alex: He really doesn't.

Zarah: I'm having a baby, not a heart attack.
Layton: Yeah, I've got the heart attack part covered.

My little soul. I haven't seen your face yet but my love for you is already limitless. You aren't just my child, you're the future. As you grow up, you'll hear many stories about your mother. How aboard Big Alice, she assured her survival yet again. And of your father, changing what was left of the world. Our journey to bring you into this world has been brutal, but I wouldn't change a single misstep or agonizing decision that led to your life. I pray the choices your father and I have made are gifts. The gift of a new life. And the strength to face its dangers on Snowpiercer, one thousand and twenty-nine cars long.


Did you hear that, Dubs? As much as I would like, your brain won't turn to mush.


Layton: Okay, breathe. Breathe.
Zarah: Andre, the moment I stop breathing, you will be the first to know.

You know, I used to say I wouldn't wish suspension on my worst enemy but now I'm not so sure.


Zarah: I made a terrible mistake.
Layton: No, you didn't. No, you did not. You made a choice. You made a tough call in a world that wants to kill your daughter.

Audrey, you're going to need to hurry up and find a rock bottom, or you're never coming back.


Alex: Aren't you supposed to be panicking and making things worse for Zarah?
Layton: Yeah, I will again soon.

Ben: We are now a perpetual motion machine. Minus all the warm bits and the glitches.
Josie: Yeah, and the human factor.

Snowpiercer Quotes

Resistance is never futile but Wilford's train is a fortress to class. Maybe it is perpetual.

Old Ivan

Pike: You know what I think, Layton? I don't think you got the guts to stand with us.
Layton: Pike, you can question my plan if you want. You question my fight and we got a serious problem.