Georgiou: Control believes that misfits have merit so we keep busy.
Tyler: I'm surprised you call yourself a misfit, Emperor.
Georgiou: The freaks are more fun.

How can she not know what tears are? That's impossible. Show me a teenage girl that's never cried. You can't. I know. I'm a xenoanthropologist.


I wanted to thank you for following orders and maintaining our cover despite your captain's impairment. And, by impairment, I mean having a phaser go off in my chest.


Burnham: You wanted to see me?
Pike: Yes. And don't make me laugh.
Burnham: Fortunately for you, I was raised on Vulcan. We don't do funny.

Welcome back, Captain, you made it. But your ribs? They're going to feel like the xylophone in a Klingon marching band.

Dr. Pollard

Saru: Perhaps you should disobey my direct orders more often, Ensign.
Tilly: No, I think your orders are probably really good. I need to pass out now.

Detmers: In order for the asteroid to exit at the correct angle, I would have to execute a sustained circular drift.
Tilly: A donut. You would be doing A DONUT in a starship!
Detmers: That's true.

  • Permalink: A donut
  • Added:

If we were brought here, perhaps this is why. We're responsible -- not only to our landing party -- but to every living being on that planet. Discovery will not allow a catastrophe on her watch.


Computer: Your personal shielding is phase-locked with the gravity simulator. Any change in this gravametric stability will result in...
Tilly: BOOM
Computer: ... confirmed.

Saru: Questions or concerns before we depart, Captain?
Pike: If you're telling me that this ship can skip across the universe on a highway made of mushrooms, I kind of have to go on faith.

Astromycology has taught me that nothing is ever truly gone. Fungi are the universe's recyclers. This is how termination begins creation. It's why life is eternal.


Burnham: In order to guide us through the mycelial network, Commander Stamets injected himself with tardigrade DNA, a violation of Starfleet's ban on genetic manipulation.
Saru: They were willing to overlook this during the war however.
Pike: A tardigrade?
Saru: I suppose you had to be there.

Star Trek: Discovery Season 2 Quotes

Nhan: I see where the Federation puts its pennies.
Pike: Do not covet thy neighbor's starship, Commander. Besides, we got the new uniforms.
Saru: And lovely uniforms they are, Captain.
Burnham: Very colorful.

Connelly: Every time we tried to scan, the computer went haywire.
Burnham: Like a compass at the North Pole.
Pike: Well put. Why didn't we think of that Connelly? Huh? Think of all the syllables that gave their lives.
Connelly: Metaphor seemed a bit simplistic.
Burnham: I believe it's a simile.