Wherever our mission takes us, we'll try to have a little fun along the way too, alright? Make a little noise. Ruffle a few feathers.


Reno: We've been rockin' and rollin' for hours. Can someone tell me what's going on?
Burnham: This asteroid is on a collision course with a pulsar. The gravitational field is going to tear this place apart.
Reno: Huh. What a relief. Thought we were all going to die. Can you get us the hell out of here or what?

Burnham: There was an armistice. We're at peace.
Reno: An armistice? With the guys who drink blood wine?

Relax, Tellurite blood is rich in hemerythra. The only place on Earth you'll find anything like it is marine invertebrates. Evolution's a fickle bitch, am I right?


Burnham: Stamets must be having a field day.
Tilly: Um. Stamets is transferring off the ship. And if you ask me any more questions, I'm going to start crying like a baby tribble in the kill zone.

Burnham: We'll set up pattern enhancers and beam back.
Connelly: Unless our signals get caught up in all that ion distortion and we rematerialize in a billion pieces
Pike: You want out, Connelly, now is the time.
Connelly: Not a chance, sir. I love roller coasters.

Stamets: I need you to repeat after me.
Tilly: Okay
Stamets: I will say...
Tilly: I will say
Stamets: ...fewer things.
Tilly: Fewer th... okay.

I understand that this place may be haunted for you but maybe it's good haunted. Maybe living with ghosts and energies that are bigger than we are is why you love science.


Did you know that a Kasseelian prima donna trains her whole life for one performance? And after she hits that last high E, she plunges a dagger into her own chest and dies. She's lived an entire lifetime in that last note. And I've lived an entire lifetime in what I've accomplished here on Discovery.


Tilly: I'm Ensign Sylvia Tilly. I'm Discovery's newest addition to Starfleet's Command Training Program.
Pike: Hi.
Tilly: Yeah, you have really beautiful nail beds.

Nhan: I see where the Federation puts its pennies.
Pike: Do not covet thy neighbor's starship, Commander. Besides, we got the new uniforms.
Saru: And lovely uniforms they are, Captain.
Burnham: Very colorful.

Connelly: Every time we tried to scan, the computer went haywire.
Burnham: Like a compass at the North Pole.
Pike: Well put. Why didn't we think of that Connelly? Huh? Think of all the syllables that gave their lives.
Connelly: Metaphor seemed a bit simplistic.
Burnham: I believe it's a simile.

Star Trek: Discovery Season 2 Quotes

Nhan: I see where the Federation puts its pennies.
Pike: Do not covet thy neighbor's starship, Commander. Besides, we got the new uniforms.
Saru: And lovely uniforms they are, Captain.
Burnham: Very colorful.

Connelly: Every time we tried to scan, the computer went haywire.
Burnham: Like a compass at the North Pole.
Pike: Well put. Why didn't we think of that Connelly? Huh? Think of all the syllables that gave their lives.
Connelly: Metaphor seemed a bit simplistic.
Burnham: I believe it's a simile.