Mariner: Tendi, how are you so good at the murder bug drinking game?
Tendi: I don’t know. It’s my first time. Guess I’m just a natural.

Who’s ready for a very standard – borderline boring – Orion rescue mission?


Mariner: I just got to get away from Boims and Rutherford. Ever since they moved in together, they’re, like, finishing each other’s sentences.
T’Lyn: Their emotional closeness is unpleasant.

Oooh, pretty nice hump dungeon. I think they have one of these in New Seattle.


D’Bora: We deliver fuel and supplies to real pirates. We’re, like, pirate-adjacent.
Risik: Right now, I’m just a plunder sorter, but I’m capable of way more.

And… done! All the diseases blocked by the transporter bio-filter after last week’s shore leave have been cataloged!


Tendi: I’m a Prime. Y’know, a trained assassin. It’s the most pirate-y someone can be.
T’Lyn: Incorrect. You are who you choose to be. A Starfleet lieutenant and a loyal friend.
Mariner: Don’t worry. We know you’re a big nerd and not some hot assassin.

Mariner: One of the great things about being a lieutenant JG is it’s actually possible to finish your work.
Tendi: We should do something fun!
T’Lyn: Celebrating a lack of purpose is illogical.

Tendi: I wonder how Boimler’s doing down there on his mission.
Mariner: Oh, he’s either doing great or super overthinking it and getting sweaty.

Rutherford: What’s hazing?
Mariner: It’s a prank dressed up as team-building that nobody really likes.
Rutherford: Well, that doesn’t sound very Starfleet.

Freeman: I see the problem. Your operating system’s out of date.
Vexilon: That would explain it. There was that weekend when my creators evolved into fifth dimensional energy beings and left me on my own.

T’Lyn: Statistically, ensigns serving under recently promoted commanders are more likely to experience death and/or dismemberment.
Boimler: DEATH?
T’Lyn: Yes, and/or dismemberment.

Star Trek: Lower Decks Quotes

Boimler: Romulan whiskey is against regulations!
Mariner: Yeah, because it's awesome.

First contact is a delicate, high-stakes operation of diplomacy. One must be ready for anything humanity is interacting with an alien race for the first time. But we don't do that. Our specialty is SECOND contact. Still pretty important. We get all the paperwork signed, make sure we're spelling the name of the planet right, get to know all the good places to eat...
