Yolanda: How long have you been doing this?
Courtney: Uh, I don’t know, like a week.
Yolanda: A week? And how long did your dad train you?
Courtney: Technically, he didn’t.
Yolanda: Then why am I listening to you?

Yolanda: You want me to jump off of a building?
Courtney: I don’t want you to. Wikipedia said Wildcat could jump off buildings.
Yolanda: Well, anyone can go on Wikipedia and say anything.
Courtney: It said your claws could cut through metal like butter, and it was right about that.
Yolanda: Murdering a toaster isn’t exactly risking my life.

Yolanda: You’re checking Wikipedia?
Courtney: It didn’t come with an instruction manual.

Courtney: I think you’re really freaking brave coming back here day after day. I mean, I don’t know if I’d be strong enough.
Yolanda: I never should have sent them those.
Courtney: He never should have shared them.
Yolanda: I knew he could be a jerk, but he was so nice to me. After a few months, I thought it was getting serious, but I guess not for him. I don’t think he ever saw me as anything more than the next girl. My parents were destroyed. They won’t even come near the school anymore. They don’t bring me to church. My whole life has changed. They act like I don’t even exist. I don’t want to hate anyone, but I do. I hate Henry King.
Courtney: You want to see how I blew up his car?
Yolanda: Yeah.

Courtney: I blew up Henry’s car.
Yolanda: What?
Courtney: It wasn’t on purpose, but…
Yolanda: You accidentally blew up a car?
Courtney: Yes.

Courtney: I said it wrong: It’s not you who needs my help; it’s me who needs your help.
Yolanda: What?
Courtney: There’s something going on here.
Yolanda: Yeah, I have a lunatic following me around.
Courtney: No, here in Blue Valley. I need you to help me fight it.

Pat: How much?
Zeke: That’s an exhaust pipe for a dump truck.
Pat: Yeah, I’m actually working on a dump truck, a pretty big one.

Courtney: What’s your problem?
Cindy: You have no idea who you’re messing with.
Courtney: Neither do you.
Cindy: You will never see me coming.

Pat: I know what it’s like to lose a friend.
Courtney: Joey wasn’t my friend, Pat. He never got the chance to be. We should be out there recruiting new JSA members like now.
Pat: We can’t drag anyone else into this.
Courtney: You said it would take more than us to stop the Injustice Society.
Pat: I said that we couldn’t stop them.
Courtney: That’s the same thing.
Pat: No, no, it’s not, and if there are other villains in Blue Valley, I need to know who they are, and I need to find them without them finding us.
Courtney: And how are you going to do that?
Pat: I don’t know yet all right, but when I do, I’ll alert the authorities.
Courtney: What if they are the authorities?

Courtney: I have to say, slut-shaming is really damaging. Not to mention, it sets women back like 50 years.
Cindy: OK, well nobody cares what you think new girl.

Icicle: William, you stumbled into your powers. You killed your master before his lessons were complete, and it shows. That wand of yours, it’s capable of show much more, but instead of thinking big, you just continue to think small. Even now, you’re still performing the same old tired show; you’ve just changed one stage for another. You spend your days making promises to people, but much like every politician, you don’t keep them. And the same way you didn’t keep your promise to me.
The Wizard: Jordan…
Icicle: You seem to think that power comes from other people’s perception of you – from recognition or applause – but that’s not true power. No, William, true power doesn’t need to be seen.

It’s Nebraska, so twerking still packs a punch.


Stargirl Season 1 Quotes

Mike: Good-bye In-N-Out, good-bye friends, good-bye indoor plumbing.
Pat: It’s Nebraska. It’s not Siberia, Mike.
Mike: I looked this place up on Google Earth. Blue Valley doesn’t have jack.
Pat: It’s got fresh air, it’s got friendly people, it’s got schools without metal detectors. The thing is I need your help with this move, OK. I need you to be positive.
Mike: Positive? I am positive.
Pat: Great.
Mike: I’m positive this place will blow ass.

Starman: No, no, it’s over. The Justice Society must live on. Its legacy must survive. Someone with honor and strength must carry the torch.
Pat: I’ll try.
Starman: Not you. Someone with grace and heroism. I mean, you can’t do it. But someone out there will. It’s definitely not you. Pat, you’re a good friend.