Vic: Who do y’all think is going to be the new captain when Sullivan makes battalion chief?
Dean: Herrera.
Travis: What, you don’t think it’s going to be Herrera?
Vic: You know what, I’m not saying anything, so.
Dean: OK, you did say something. Snorting is saying something; now say words.
Vic: She ain’t out sick.
Travis: Say more words.
Vic: Sullivan benched her.
Dean: What? Why did he bench her?
Vic: Because she broke his heart, or he broke her heart. I don’t know; I haven’t worked it out yet.
Dean: OK, right. He’s captain, she’s lieutenant, they were secretly in love and none of us knew about it? Shocking.
Vic: OK, everything in life comes down to two things: love and war, sex, maybe money
Dean: Definitely money.
Travis: Herrera and Sullivan, really?
Vic: Well, I have zero proof. This is all gossip and speculation.
Dean: I love gossip more than I should.
Travis: Same.

Ben: Everyone keeps telling me to stay in my lane, that I’m not a doctor anymore, but I am still a doctor, and I’m a firefighter. I am highly trained in both those fields. That should make me an asset, not a liability.
Sullivan: What makes you a liability is you run into burning buildings without permission. You deliberately defy your captain’s orders.
Ben: Yes, yes, I am defiant sometimes. I’m also brave. I’m wired for adrenaline, and I care about my fellow man. I’m smart, captain, and I’m capable, and I can think six steps ahead, and I’m tired of apologizing for that.

Pruitt: Ryan, good to see you. Staying out of trouble?
Ryan: Except the imaginary kind, yes sir.

Station 19 Season 3 Episode 2 Quotes

Dean: He looks like a sex offender.
Maya: The new chief is a cop?
Dixon: Former cop, not sex offender.
Dean: Um, I thought that was live because news conferences are usually live.

Dean: Herrera, heads up.
Vasquez: It’s Vasquez.
Dean: You took Herrera’s spot; you take her name.
Vasquez: You think us Latinos are all the same?
Dean: Hilarious.
Vasquez: I forgot it’s all PC, kumbaya crap here on the A shift.
Vic: We prefer A team, actually.
Vasquez: I’m sure you do. Over on the B shift, we call you guys “The View” because there’s one of everything. There’s two of you though.
Jack: At what point are well allowed to hit this guy?