Vic: Theo ...
Theo: Yeah?
Vic: I love you.
Theo: I love you too, Vic.

I want our donor to be someone we know.


Theo: You doing okay?
Vic: You know I never didn't want you ini my life, Theo. I didn't want to be in my own life. I wanted my life to leave me alone, and I just shut everything out when Miller died it was like Lucas had died all over again. It was like all this grief was in my cells and it activated. I was pulling me down into a time portal. I was grieving Miller, and Lucas, and my grandma, and my drama teacher, and now this new grief.

Call Emmett. Be honest. Be sorry. And it'll be okay.


She left me yesterday, but when did she leave me in her mind, you know?


Vic: So what are your feelings?
Theo: It's just sad, I guess.
Vic: You know every since I started having sex I always thought that if I ever got pregnant, I would sprint to the abortion clinic, but this is hard.

Theo: Why don't you want me in your life? You keep finding ways to whittle me down, and shut me out, you know, I'm in this relationship, too?
Vic: What relationship?

Everyone in this building is a mess, but I'm the only one in trouble.


So what wine do you think pairs with an abortion, do you think? It would be red, wouldn't it?


You get to carry, and it'll be your egg, shouldn't I get to win this one?


Station 19 Season 5 Episode 11 Quotes

So what wine do you think pairs with an abortion, do you think? It would be red, wouldn't it?


You get to carry, and it'll be your egg, shouldn't I get to win this one?
