How long were you waiting at that diner?


Your test came back. It looks like you've been exposed to something. There's a change it's hydrochloric acid.


Jack: So you think you know better than my shrink or the department?
Maya: I think you convinced everyone you were all good by checking whatever boxes you had to to get back on duty.

Maya: You're telling them too.
Jack: You wanted to lead.
Maya: Which allows me to delegate and share responsibility, which I'm planning to do. I'm a benevolent leader. I share.

Ryan: It's a complete invasion of these people's privacy.
Pruitt: It's your neighborhood too, you really want to live across the street from a potential serial killer?
Ryan: Would he keep the yard clean?

Travis: I realized after the breakup all I really have is this job and Michael.
Vic: Michael?
Travis: Yeah I think I'm still really hung up on my dead husband.

Maya: At least I won't be transferring to 23 anymore.
Dean: You won't?
Maya: Instead I'll be going to jail for harboring a fugitive.

Dean: She ran away as soon as we dropped her off. Apparently she's a fugitive. She's being sentenced in court this morning and she escaped. She's been lying to us.
Andy: No, no she doesn't know who she is.
Dean: She came to us, remember? She knows exactly who she is. She's been playing us this entire time.

Andy: He's a little emotional about stepping down, so just be prepared.
Sullivan: Maybe you can pull the fire alarm for me then?
Andy: I don't know if you know this, but that's illegal.

Pruitt: It appears you're suffering from PTSD.
Jack: Who the hell are you to determine that? You're not a doctor.
Ben: I am.

Ben: I am still her husband, and I still worry. I should know these things.
Miller: Has it dawned on you that maybe that's how she feels when you come home from work every day and tell her about all the dangerous things that you survived at work that day?

Travis: What did Pruitt want to see us about?
Vic: No clue, but he probably doesn't want to see man-bits. Zip up!

Station 19 Season 2 Quotes

Vic: What the hell do you care? You were willing to leave us all in there. You did leave us. You evacuated the entire building with my whole team still inside.
Chief Ripley: It's protocol.
Vic: You could have made a different choice. But you didn't. That's my report.
Chief Ripley: There was no other choice to make! You are eager, and you are loyal to your friends, but I don't get that luxury, not in my position. What the hell do I care? More than you could possibly know.

Andy: Just because we both have vaginas doesn't mean you and I have to be friends.
Maya: Sure thing. Only, and well, I say this from years of training by myself, there's safety in numbers. And when it comes to us vs. all the rest of these guys, one thing we should probably consider is sticking together.