Greg: You knew.
Ryan: Before you did.
Greg: [Chuckles] Chip off the old block.

Enough! We will find it. We will find your friends, but first we need to get you out of here. I swear if you don't come with me right now, I will throw your scrawny ass over my shoulder and carry you out.


It's like we went from getting to know each other to sponge baths, not the sexy kind. So, you know, whatever fun, steamy steps there are before the sponge bath stage in the relationship, we skipped those. It usually takes a while to rip those Band-Aids, but those Band-Aids were ripped and changed. He literally changed my bandages.


When people see a fire engine in their rearview mirror, they slow down, move over, and get out of the make room for the heroes. When they see me in their rearview mirror, at best they're annoyed, at worst, they're scared.


Andy: She would have died. If I had been making the call I would have waited, and she would have died.
Sullivan: Well, I guess it's good it didn't go that way then.

You know at some point though, you may be ready to move away from being a cheerleader and just start being a leader.


Andy: He has it out for me.
Maya: You keep giving him ammo to use against you.
Andy: He keeps lurking.

Jack: You can't park there.
Ryan: 'Cause it's not allowed? 'Cause it's against the law?
Jack: Yeah.
Ryan: Great. I'll be sure to write myself a ticket.

Andy: I needed to try!
Maya: No, actually, you need to step aside and let me try. 'Cause now we may have lost him.

Maya: You know it's funny, I used to think the worst thing in the world would have been if you made captain, but it turns out Sullivan is the worst. That's a compliment.
Jack: Thanks.
Maya: He's humorless. He micromanages. He doesn't trust us. He won't even eat in the same room. I mean you eat with your mouth open, and sometimes you chew really loudly, but hey at least you've never been too good to be there. Again, a compliment.

Ben: Shrink the haystack, copy Sir.
Pruitt: You're not on duty Montgomery, we can handle this.
Travis: And miss out on the haystack thing?
Ben: I'm the one actually on duty here. [To Pruitt] Sir, you're in resort wear.

Andy: I think I have to move out of my dad's place.
Maya: I don't know what Miller said, but yes, I approve.
Andy: It's time.
Maya: Way past.
Andy: I mean he's feeling better, he can take care of himself, and I need to do this, right away, before I chicken out and keep living there another 30 years.
Maya: Have you told your dad yet?
Andy: No, God, how do I tell him? What do I tell him?
Maya: You say, "Dad, I've never lived out from under your roof. I need to be an adult now, so I'm moving in with Maya, and I feel confident that you can start folding your own boxers all by yourself."

Station 19 Season 2 Quotes

Vic: What the hell do you care? You were willing to leave us all in there. You did leave us. You evacuated the entire building with my whole team still inside.
Chief Ripley: It's protocol.
Vic: You could have made a different choice. But you didn't. That's my report.
Chief Ripley: There was no other choice to make! You are eager, and you are loyal to your friends, but I don't get that luxury, not in my position. What the hell do I care? More than you could possibly know.

Andy: Just because we both have vaginas doesn't mean you and I have to be friends.
Maya: Sure thing. Only, and well, I say this from years of training by myself, there's safety in numbers. And when it comes to us vs. all the rest of these guys, one thing we should probably consider is sticking together.